Paul Davis Supports Local Communities

As spring moves toward summer, Paul Davis is lending its people, equipment, time and expertise to worthy causes all over North America. Our employees are honored to give freely of themselves to support the communities in which they live and work. 

Here where our people pitched in recently:

Donating to an Ontario Family: Our Paul Davis Timmins & The Claybelt office in Ontario recently donated generously to a family that lost everything in a house fire. Though Paul Davis was not involved in mitigation or restoration at the property, the family’s tragedy touched the team and members reached out to help ease their financial strain. 

Riding for Autism in Florida: Paul Davis team members supported the 8th Annual Katelyn’s Ride for Autism in April. Each year, the charitable organization Advocates for Autism and Related Disabilities hosts a Golf cart Poker Run in Fernandina, Florida. The purpose is to promote acceptance, awareness, safety, and support for special needs families in northeast Florida including vehicle decals, weighted blankets (for sensory integration) and grants for families to defray therapy costs.

What’s next on our charitable activities calendar as 2021 continues? View our social purpose calendar and join us if you’re nearby! Throughout every event, we safeguard our partners, neighbors, employees and communities by carefully following all recommendations for social distancing and personal protective equipment. 
